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Pauline Dolphin (nee Gilmore) 


Pauline, Carol’s sister, was born in Bloxwich, Wolverhampton, in 1944 to Jim and Nell Gilmore. After a brief stay in Northern Ireland as a young infant, she moved with the family to Wolverhampton and thereafter lived in Staffordshire. Pauline left school at the age of 15 and began a hairdressing apprenticeship in Wolverhampton. She qualified as a hairdresser and married Michael Dolphin. After they had children Pauline worked part-time. Shortly after the birth of her second son, Graham, she was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease – Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE). Her condition gradually worsened and in 1996 she died suddenly of renal failure complications at the age of 52. 

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©  Carol Komaromy and Jenny Hockey

 This website was not created by, nor is it managed by, Palgrave Macmillan 

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