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The Authors   

Carol Komaromy



I have spent my career in three key areas, nursing and midwifery practice, end-of-life care research and teaching, including my role as Media Fellow.  I am passionate about widening understandings of death and dying as well as making a difference in health care.


I have a son called Nick and a daughter called Debbie – both of whom work in the NHS and live in South London. After retiring from my full-time role at The Open University where I had worked since 1994, I moved to Gower in South Wales where I live with my partner.


Jenny Hockey













Although  I have written extensively as an anthropologist about family life - and about my own family as a poet, this is my first experience of writing a family memoir. The process has allowed me to draw on social theories that I've found useful as an academic, but to combine these with a more personal, literary way of writing.


I am now retired, still living in Sheffield with my partner, Bob. My son, Gareth's family live nearby. When I'm not cycling or seeing friends, I spend most of my time writing and reading poetry.

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